Top 7 Tips to Get Fit in 7 Weeks
Alexandra Williams, MA and Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA A 56 year old reader asks how to quickly get back into shape: Parasail Your Way to Hawaii Dear K and A: I’ve gotten fluffy in the last year. I...
View ArticleHow Do You Pick the Best Workout Shoe?
Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA and Alexandra Williams, MA We get asked often which are the BEST shoes for working out, walking, taking fitness classes, going to and from the gym, or for feet that are in...
View ArticleA Walk is as Good as a Run
Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA Do Walk Away! And walk this way. Are you a runner whose impact days are numbered? Or a walker who wonders whether you need to pick up the pace but really don’t want to?...
View ArticleEmotional Benefits of Walking Outdoors
Are you lucky enough to enjoy outdoor walks? Do you live in an area conducive to walking? Do you live where you can see the blue sea? What about the blue sky? In addition to all the physical benefits...
View ArticleIs It Time to Train Your Midlife Middle?
I belly up to the AktivMotion Bar. Now to belly off! Wonder how to lose menopause weight when eating less and exercising more hasn’t made a difference? Then you are in good company. Or at least...
View ArticlePssst! Want to Know Top Insider Fitness Trends and Quotes?
Looking Into the Future Do you like to stay ahead of the curve? I mean besides the ones on our baby boomer, midlife bodies? Then hold tight as we zoom through some of the key takeaways and quotables...
View ArticleFlavor Your Summer with Stuff that Starts with “A”
Adventure, Activity, Almonds, Animals What do these grade A words have in common? They are all part of my midlife summer excitement and active aging life. I wrapped up my first year as an outrigger...
View ArticleHow Do You Relax?
Do you think relaxing is part of a healthy, active life? For some, relaxing is the opposite of activity. For others, it’s congruent with it. Maybe it just depends on how you define “relax.” I know many...
View Article10 Reasons to Chillax at the Hyatt Palm Springs
The Hyatt Palm Springs invited me and a guest to come stay with them for a few nights to experience their “Chill” packages. I’m a pretty smart person, so I said yes and invited my older son. It can...
View ArticleUse Weights While Walking: Yes or No?
Can the subject of walking with hand or ankle weights be humorous and informative? In looking back at old posts, we discovered some gems that are begging to see the light of day again and still au...
View ArticleWhat is Active Aging?
I was asked what active aging means a few days ago. It was a great question, though it took me by surprise, as I had made the erroneous assumption that everyone knew what I meant. Assuming didn’t work...
View ArticleStretch Before or After Walking, Running, Hiking, Fighting?
Dear K and A: Is it better to stretch before or after doing cardio exercise, such as a hike, walk, or run? We believe that the couple who hikes together, stays together. This morning on a lovely hike,...
View ArticleA 10K Walk is as Far as a 10K Run
What if you could participate in a running race by not running and not racing? Could such a thing be possible? When you hear about 5K, 10K and marathon races, you immediately think it’s a running race,...
View ArticleThe Perfect Getaway: The Oaks Spa in Ojai
Do you ever have the desire to go to a place where you can do nothing at all except relax, or perhaps do something active and enjoyable all day long? If you’re in California (or headed there), you may...
View ArticleWhich is the “Best” Cardio Workout: Walking? Running? Machines?
Which is a better cardio workout: stationary bike, treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine? Tina, Lubbock, Texas I heard walking is much better for you than running, especially for women over 50. Is...
View ArticleHow Do I Lose Weight But Not Bulk Up?
No Hulk! No Bulk! Dear Fun and Fit: K and A–I want to lose weight, not bulk up and build muscle. I’ve recently joined a gym and started doing 40 minutes on the elliptical and walking five miles on the...
View ArticleTo Burn Fat, Do I Go Faster or Slower?
Go Faster! Go Slower! Oh, Just Go! Burn a (Relative) Myth to Burn More (Absolute) Calories Dear Kymberly and Alexandra: What is the appropriate intensity or heart rate for a 56 year old woman who wants...
View ArticleCovell’s Clydesdales: A hidden gem in Central California on Highway 1
Want to know about a hidden gem in Central California that is walking distance from downtown Cambria? You are probably already thinking “yes,” and once you read about it and see the pictures, you’ll be...
View Article3 Biggest Treadmill and Stairclimber Mistakes [video]
Alexandra gets Lost in Translation Do you hop on the stairclimber or treadmill to get a good workout for your wrist, neck, or spine? Do you have a goal to put all the load into your joints as you lean...
View ArticleHealthy Heart: Improve Your Circulation and Flexibility
You probably have a heart, but is it a strong one? Do you also have great circulation and flexible arteries? Bonnie Raitt was right when she sang Have a Heart. Hard to make that sound sexy and...
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