Channel: Walking – Fun and Fit: Active Aging Answers for Boom Chicka Boomers
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Flavor Your Summer with Stuff that Starts with “A”


Gotta be in it to win it!Adventure, Activity, Almonds, Animals

What do these grade A words have in common? They are all part of my midlife summer excitement and active aging life. I wrapped up my first year as an outrigger paddler with sprint races. Now I am on the road with my husband and dog for vacation. In between were the IDEA Health and Fitness Convention, an airport good-bye to my daughter for a year, and lots of group fitness classes. What fun A level actions are you putting into play this season? How have your summer expectations changed since you were younger?

All Aboard Mateys

harbor with boats

End of the paddle season and where my vacation started

On my recent sprint race, I realized that all my canoe mates were between 24 and 35. The 40, 50, and 60 year olds were absent from our crew that weekend. So I represented for my age group with pride and power! Being able to contribute to my team while two to three decades’ older was a great feeling. Not only did I hold my own, but our boat did its best of the season. Have you ever been the lone baby boomer or older adult in a crowd of youngsters? If so, what did you experience?.

Dog Days of Summer

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Kila took this picture. I did say she was the smartest dog ever

The day after our paddling sprint season ended, we (the hubster and I) packed up and headed on a coastal Road Trip! For the first time, we brought our dogger wogger, the princess pooch, Ace Queen of the canine world. This decision means organizing our driving days around lots of stops and dog walks. What a great idea this is turning out to be as we conclude day three and look forward to another 11 days of dog friendly excursions.

Rather than hit the main tourist attractions–or anything involving a long, hot, wait in the car–we are ferreting out hikes, trails, and scenic walks off the beaten path. We are also “required” to stop and get out of the car often to accommodate “she who wags her tail and needs bathroom breaks.” Yes, it’s all about our four legged girl! Animal Numero Uno.

Hot fitness tip:  If you ever want to be sure to work exercise and physical Activity into your car rides, simply take a young dog with you!

Road Snacks

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NOOOoooo, Not your best road trip snack choices

Blue Diamond at the garage sale

YEEssss, these are packable, portable road snacks (that my dog does not try to beg from me)

Also take healthy road snacks. Don’t buy road trip foodstuffs where you fill up with gas or where the food gets handed to you through a window. Hit your grocery store and farmer’s market beforehand. In our case, we packed fruit, popcorn, sweet bell peppers, and Almonds (thanks Blue Diamond, who is sponsoring this post and helping us stay healthy and satiated as we motor up Highway 1!).  Believe me, if you have just polished off a handful of almonds or a baggie of cherries, you are not going to be tempted by the doughnut shops that line all roads, highways, and byways. Ok, I might be tempted, but since I am not hungry, I don’t give in to that temptation. How about you?

Anyway, enough nattering on about my summer season that is seasoned with flavorful A words. It’s time to share a few pictures of my summer Adventure. Then to get to sleep so I am ready for more Action tomorrow. But no doughnuts.

Kila on beach


Bow WOW, this sign is Barkalicious!

Elephant Seals Molting in the Melting Sun

Elephant Seals Molting in the Melting Sun


Day 3 Ends Well in Northern Calif

Day 3 Ends Well in Northern Calif


Blue Diamond, Ahnu, IDEA notebook“This “Flavor Your Adventure” post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds. For more snack ideas to “Flavor Your Adventure” this summer, visit Blue Diamond Almonds on Facebook (http://facebook.com/bluediamond),  Don’t visit the candy aisle at the gas station. Remember those stations all have cameras! Picture yourself making summer-worthy snack decisions.

Then subscribe to our blog if you have not yet done so. Enter your email on the right. Best road trip ever!


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